Our legacy WinForm project has few forms with Xceed.Greed control. The project runs OK. However, when I try to open the windows form, I have the license error message (please, see error details below).
The Xceed.Greed.Licenser.LicenseKey property is set up in Main() program at start up. I am not sure how can I set up the Licenser property in design mode to avoid the error. I assume that installation of Xceed Greed tools might help to avoid the error. But, is this is the only way?
Thank you
Error Message:
Xceed.Grid.Licenser.LicenseKey must be set to a valid trial or registered license key in the code of your application before using this product. Please refer to the Licensing topic in the documentation for specific instructions on how to avoid this exception
Error Cal Stack:
at Xceed.Utils.Licensing.XceedLicense.ThrowNoKeyInCodeAndRegistry()
at Xceed.Utils.Licensing.XceedLicense.Initialize(String licenseKey, Type licenserType, Boolean allowThrow)
at Xceed.Grid.GridLicense.CreateLicense(String licenseKey, Type licenserType)
at Xceed.Grid.Licenser.VerifyLicense()
at Xceed.Grid.Licenser.VerifyLicense(FeatureID featureId)
at Xceed.Grid.StatelessVisualGridElementStyle.get_GradientMap()
2. Show Call Stack