Error zipping Xceed Zip InvalidZipStructureException The zip end header signature could not be found in the zip file

Error zipping Xceed Zip InvalidZipStructureException The zip end header signature could not be found in the zip file

Hi there,


I get a errors when zipping files on OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger) but it works great on OS X 10.5.6 (Leopard) running on mono 2.2.

I just place the DLL’s in the same folder as the .exe and it works great on Leopard but not on Tiger.

I am using the Xceed Zip for .Net 3.7 component and VS Studio 2005.NET and C# 2.0.

Needless to say this code works on Windows and the latest Mac OS X.


Any ideas? Thanks.



If I use QuickZip it does create the zip file but mono and my application disappears and I get the error:


My code (I also tried “/var/tmp/” folder with the same error):

  Xceed.Zip.QuickZip.Zip(“/”, true, false, false, “/test.txt”);


Error returned:

Xceed.Zip.QuickZipException: An error occurred while adding files to the zip file. —> Xceed.Zip.InvalidZipStructureException: The zip end header signature could not be found in the zip file.

Type: Xceed.Zip.ZipArchive

FullName: /

Zip file: /

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipHandler.ReadEndHeader (System.IO.BinaryReader reader, Xceed.Zip.ZipStream stream) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipHandler.Refresh (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession session) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipHandler.Flush (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession session) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipHandler.Release (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession session) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipHandler.ReleaseModify (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession session) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipArchive.EndUpdate (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEvents events, System.Object userData) [0x00000]

  — End of inner exception stack trace —

at Xceed.Zip.QuickZip.Zip (System.String zipFileName, System.String encryptionPassword, EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod, CompressionMethod compressionMethod, Boolean replaceExistingFiles, Boolean recursive, Boolean preservePaths, Int64 splitSize, SplitNameFormat splitNameFormat, Xceed.Zip.Sfx.XceedSfxPrefix sfx, Xceed.Zip.DiskRequiredCallback diskRequiredCallback, Xceed.Zip.ByteProgressionCallback byteProgressionCallback, Xceed.Zip.ItemProgressionCallback itemProgressionCallback, System.Object userParams, System.String[] filesToZip) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.QuickZip.Zip (System.String zipFileName, System.String encryptionPassword, EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod, Boolean replaceExistingFiles, Boolean recursive, Boolean preservePaths, Int64 splitSize, SplitNameFormat splitNameFormat, System.String[] filesToZip) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.QuickZip.Zip (System.String zipFileName, System.String encryptionPassword, EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod, Boolean replaceExistingFiles, Boolean recursive, Boolean preservePaths, System.String[] filesToZip) [0x00000]




If I don’t use QuickZip it does create the zip file but mono and my application disappears and I get the error:


My code (I also tried “/var/tmp/” folder with the same error):

  DiskFile diskFile = new DiskFile(“/test.txt”); 

  diskFile.CopyTo(new ZipArchive(new DiskFile(“/”)), true);


Error returned:

Xceed.Zip.InvalidZipStructureException: The zip end header signature could not be found in the zip file.

Type: Xceed.Zip.ZipArchive

FullName: /

Zip file: /

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipHandler.ReadEndHeader (System.IO.BinaryReader reader, Xceed.Zip.ZipStream stream) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipHandler.Refresh (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession session) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipHandler.Flush (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession session) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipHandler.Release (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession session) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipHandler.ReleaseModify (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession session) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.Zip.ZipArchive.EndUpdate (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEvents events, System.Object userData) [0x00000]




If I don’t use QuickZip for the 3rd time with 4 lines of code, it does not create the zip file and mono and my application disappears and I get the error:


My code (I also tried “/var/tmp/” folder with the same error):

  AbstractFile zipFile = new DiskFile(“/”);

  ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(zipFile);

  AbstractFile textFile = new DiskFile(“/test.txt”);

  textFile.CopyTo(archive, true);


Error returned:

Xceed.FileSystem.ItemDoesNotExistException: Cannot perform the requested operation on an item that does not exist.

Type: Xceed.FileSystem.DiskFile

FullName: /C:\TestTextFile.txt

  at Xceed.FileSystem.AbstractFile.DoCopyTo (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession session, Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem destination, Boolean replaceExistingFiles) [0x00000]

  at Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemItem.ListCopyToCore (Xceed.FileSystem.FileSystemEventsSession session, Xceed.FileSystem.ItemPair currentItemPair, Boolean replaceExistingFiles) [0x00000]