Style.CustomFormat propagates to other cells in range
Hello, we are using Xceed.Workbooks.NET to generate an Excel file and we've encountered an issue, where we set a custom date time format to the first column of the sheet like this: Sheet.Columns[0].Style.CustomFormat = customDateTimeformat; Later on,
Charts missing in pdf when using ConvertToPdf
Hello, we are using Xceed.Words.NET for creating a docx document and it works nicely. When we're trying to convert such document into pdf, the charts are missing completely. There are other minor issues with the pdf, eg. image in the title page, text
How to preserve the total section page count during Pdf conversion?
Hi, when converting a word document that has multiple sections with individual page numbering, the resulting pdf file does not display the correct number from the SectionPages field. In the word document the pages are numbered 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, etc. but
Table Of Contents behavior when DocX.ConvertToPdf
When I programmatically create multiple table of contents items in a Word Document, it behave perfect. But when I save it to PDF it: a) Use only update and display the first TOC item in the PDF. Is this a PDF format constraint or an Xceed issue? b) The
delete content of bookmark
How can I delete the remaining unfilled tables in my Word template? The template contains a group of bookmarks, and each bookmark has a table. I had try : bookmark.Paragraph.Remove(false); doc.Bookmarks.Remove(bookmark); but it had no
Xceed 7.1 Multi-threading
Hi, May I know the multi-threading is activated by default or? If not, how to implement it? By adding zip.MultiThreadManager when zipping into split .zip files? Thank you.
Generating word document with ordered numbering
Hello, Please help me with this problem: I have a docx template that I am trying to populate from c# code in a Windows Application. Here is the template format I have. 1. %CasesListDescription% - Paragraph 1 which will be dynamically generated. (This
_isres1033-dll download
Hello everyone, From some days i am facing an error that _isres1033-dll download, i have downloaded _isres1033-dll but don't know how to install it, please help Thanks in advance, (Nova Grace)
How to keep formating of the previous row/cell when insert new to a table
Hello, Please help me with this problem: I have a docx with a table in it. The table contain only header row and 1 empty row. I have already set formatting for the table to use specific font-size/font-name... When inserting data to the table, all the
Fastest way to delete large amount of files from ZIP file
Hello, I am using XCeed ZIP for .Net. I wrote a tool that has to delete a large amount of files (10.000s) from a few subfolders. Each file in these folders is a few 100 kB up to several MB in size, and it's mostly PDFs. Some of the ZIP files can be several
ConvertToPdf method in Docker linux environment
Hi. We are using Xceed.Words.NET to process an docx file, replace some text variables and generate a pdf with the result. The process work fine in my Windows environment but when i deploy it in Docker production environment (linux) the method DocX.ConvertToPdf()
Unzip method generating invalid created and accessed date time of file after unzip operation.
Hi, We are using XceedZipLib in our code for zip/unzip operation. The method Unzip() generating Invalid created and accessed date time for a file after unzipping zip file. for some files it is generating correct datetime but for some files it is generating
Xceed.Zip - Path To Long exception
When calling QuickZip.Unzip(inZipFilename, destStorageFolder, true, true, true, @"*"); Where thare are files in the zip file with filenames over 100 chars long, and the destination path is very long as well... this call throws an exception as below PathTooLongException:
Xceed Zip V6.0 - Split File security concern
Hi, We are using Xceed Zip V6.0 to do the split file. zip.SplitNameFormat = SplitNameFormat.WinZip; Sometime Gmail blocks the files for security reasons. May I know is there any solution for this issue.
Indent a paragraph in Word for .Net
I use the indent option in Word to indent pictures and images. I also use the indent option to indent lists of bullet items. Is this feature available in the current version of Words for .Net I can't tell from reading the release notes of recent
How to use the Zip component trial?
I suppose should be easy to do, but I'm not able to use the component as a trial. My first attempt was to refer the library from NuGet, but the debug breaks on this exception: System.Exception: 'Xceed.Compression.Formats.Licenser.LicenseKey must be set
Words for .NET - Rotate a textbox
Hello, I can't find a way to rotate a textbox (shape). Is this even possible and if so, how does it work? Thank you for your support.
Words for .NET
Hi, Is it possible insert a document i a specific point of the document ? I'm using g_document.InsertDocument(mydocpath); but add the file on bottom of document.
Error unzipping:InvalidZipStructureException
Hi, I have a zip file (attached) that I’m trying to unzip using the CopyFilesTo function. I get: Xceed.Zip.InvalidZipStructureException = {“The information contained in the local header does not match the information of the central header. Zip file:
Error zipping Xceed Zip InvalidZipStructureException The zip end header signature could not be found in the zip file
Hi there, I get a errors when zipping files on OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger) but it works great on OS X 10.5.6 (Leopard) running on mono 2.2. I just place the DLL’s in the same folder as the .exe and it works great on Leopard but not on Tiger. I am using the
How can I zip a folder with chinese name?
Currently when I try to zip a file folder whose name contains Chinese characters, the zipped file will be empty. If I zip a folder that contain several files, those files whose name contain chinese characters are dropped. How can I handle this situation?
An unexpected internal failure occurred in the FileSystem component or one of its descendants
Hi, I’m using zip for .net and in my application I can choose if I run the zip on the main thread or if I run it on a new thread. When I run it on the main thread I don’t get any exceptions. If I switch it to use background threads then I sometimes get
FTP I/O error when trying to send file
Hi there, I’m using the Xceed.ftp .Net component to send a file to a remote ftp server. This is an intranet applications, so the connection to the ftp server does not have to be secure. This is how my code looks like: ftp = new Xceed.Ftp.FtpClient();
XCeed Zip V5.5 file Split is not working
I am not able to create split zip files. i am using Xceed zip version 5.5. so far i am able to create zip file but not able to create split zip files. i appreciate if you could help me to resolve this issue. Code : string desti = @”F:\XceelConsole\”;
Silent Self-Extracting zip file
We want to creat a .EXE (self extractor file), but when we try to open the file it gives a dialogue box to enter destination path to extract the files. How to enable silent mode for self extract exe?
Zip compression rates
Does Xceed Zip for .net support different compression ratios?
test if zip file is password protected
I need to check if a zip file is password protected before attempting to reveal the contents. Is there a function that allows me to do that?
Finding and Unzipping a specific file using the ZipReader class
I need to extract the contents of a specific file in a zip archive using the ZipReader class directly into memory but the API does not seem to allow “finding” a file and then reading the contents. Is this possible? If so, would please provide a code snippet
Getting error "Cannot perform the requested operation on an item that exists."
I have written the below method to create archive, but I found that it throws below error sometimes and sometimes it works well: “Cannot perform the requested operation on an item that exists. Type: Xceed.Zip.ZippedFile Full Name: \Secured.html” Stack
Using Xceed.Zip version 6.0.16354.14180. Can’t unzip a zip file encrypted with pkAES-128 Deflate 7 Zip unzips this file with no problems. QuickZip throws Xceed.Zip.InvalidDecryptionPasswordException: ZipArchive.CopyFilesTo throw same and event handler
Question regarding API, Performance and Mono support
I’m testing different Zip libraries to see which on fix our product well. Now I have below questions. 1. I have a list to store the path of files or even empty directories to zip. I found QuickZip.Zip might work for me. The list may contains the path
Convert SFX stream to ZipArchive?
One of the libraries we use provides an SFX zip volume stream, which we need to convert to ZipArchive. We would like to avoid writing the stream to disk and then load into XceedSfxPrefix. Can you please let me know if there is a way to work with SFX streams?
Interop.XceedZipLib.dll issue
Hi,I am making use of Interop.XceedZipLib.dll in my project (C# WinForms). There are some custom methods like License(), ListZipContents() and GetZipContents() which execute perfectly fine on my dev machine.This is what the code looks like: private XceedZip
Converting an AbstractFile to an IO.Stream
Can somebody please tell me how to get a remote file with Xceed sFtp as a System.IO.Stream instead of an FileSystem.AbstractFile? Or, It is a way to convert an FileSystem.AbstractFile to an IO.Stream? Thanks
Exception while trying to upload a file
So I have followed the documentation on the Xceed website, but I am not able to get my file to upload. using( SSHClient ssh = new SSHClient() ) { ... ssh.Connect( host ); ... ssh.Authenticate( username, password ); ... using( SFtpSession sftp = new SFtpSession(
Best way to remove password from archive
Hi, What’s the best way to do the following: Input: Password protected archive. Output: Same archive without a password. Thanks, Shaul.
Copy items from zip using ZipReader
Hi, I currently in the process of integrating Xceed Real-Time Zip in my code. Still on the trial period and using ver 6.1. I seem to be having an issue when using the CopyTo and CopyFilesTo method as nothing is getting copied from or to the archive. I
Xceed Zip .Net installation – requires .Net 3.5
HEllo, I Have to install the last version of the software “Xceed Zip for .NET” which is indicated that it is compatible with .Net Framework 4.5. Nevertheless during the installation in a Win12R2, the following error message appears : “the following feature
Using SendFile on a file that is open for updates
Hi, I have a file that consistently gets updated several times a minutes (after a day, the file rolls to a new one). Every hour, I need to FTP that file so that I have a snapshot while the file is being updated. But, when I use SendFile, I get an FtpException
Xceed .FTP timeout GetFolderContents
I get a timeoutexception when I do GetFolderContents however when filezilla connects to the site it’s succeeding but it is using a workaround Binding data connection source IP to control connection source IP 14:14:09 Command: PASV 14:14:09
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