Web viewer server does not carry over the Custom properties Updated by Xceed.Words.Net of word .Docx file in pdf conversion.

Web viewer server does not carry over the Custom properties Updated by Xceed.Words.Net of word .Docx file in pdf conversion.

We have a word file (.docx) with custom properties and we updated the custom properties using Xceed.Word.Net namespace in a window service and save the file to database. if we download the file with our web app the updated custom properties are visible.

Now, if we open this file using aprys web viewer (we use Apryse web viewer server and web viewer control. js sdk ver 11.0.0) then these custom properties are not visible. 

We tried Aspose to update the custom property and then try to view the file in Apryse webviewer (we used this as well) the custom properties are visible. I have sent an email to Apryse as well about that as I am not sure where the issue is.

Please confirm from your side, Can your code may impact the conversion (losing custom properties) from docx to pdf using Apryse Web server ?
