Limitations with a trial license

Limitations with a trial license

After creating an encrypted zip file, I find that I can unzip it without specifying the password.  Is this a limitation with the trial license?

This is with using the XceedZipX64.dll using direct calls to the DLL API functions.

Code snippet:
bool Finalize(std::wstring const& zipFile, std::wstring const& password)
XzSetZipFilenameW(m_hZip, zipFile.c_str());
XzSetZipOpenedFiles(m_hZip, true); // try to zip files that are opened for writing
XzSetSpanMultipleDisks(m_hZip, xdsNever);
XzSetCompressionMethod(m_hZip, xcmDeflated);
if (!password.empty())
XzSetEncryptionMethod(m_hZip, xemWinZipAES);
XzSetEncryptionPasswordW(m_hZip, password.c_str());

int error = XzZip(m_hZip);

      return error == xerSuccess;

This works fine in a 32-bit application using a non-trial license.  I am trying to port it to 64-bits.