How to change font which generating word documents

How to change font which generating word documents

         Can someone please help me.

In the word document that I am generating programatically, as below.

strPmtCaseText = strPmtCaseText + "To  , Docker# " + item.DocketrToString() + " , Account " + item.Number.ToString() + ", ";
strPmtCaseText = strPmtCaseText + FixCurrency(item.Pp1.ToString()) + " monthly as current child support with an additional partial payment in the ";
strPmtCaseText = strPmtCaseText + " amount of " + FixCurrency(item.Arrears.ToString()) + ". Payments are to begin February 1, 2019. " + System.Environment.NewLine;

document.ReplaceText("%CasesListDescription%", strPmtCaseText);

%CasesListDescription% is the placeholder i have in the word template.

How do i format the text to display few of the words in the sentence in bold like below:

To  , Docker # J1234 , Account # 87654987 monthly as current support with an additional partial payment in the amount of $67.88.