Floating Width/Height of LayoutAnchorable after changing windowed / maximized / windowed

Floating Width/Height of LayoutAnchorable after changing windowed / maximized / windowed

Hi Evance,
When an LayoutAnchorable (LA) is manually floated windowed, then maximized, then returned to windowed state, the FloatingHeight and FloatingWidth does not seem correct.

Please use the attached AvalonDock project to illustrate the issue:
(a) Run the project
(b) Manually float la1
(c) Click the 'Check la1 dimensions' button and record the values displayed
(d) Manually maximize la1 by clicking the full-screen button in the upper right
(e) Manually return la1 to windowed state by clicking the windowed button in the upper right
(f) Click the 'Check la1 dimensions' button and record the values displayed

You should observe that the FloatingHeight and FloatingWidth do not seem correct.

I provide the screen captures below:
First initially floating la1 in windowed state: (values look OK)

Change the floating la1 from windowed state to maximized state and back to windowed state: (Values are not correct?)