Web viewer server does not carry over the Custom properties Updated by Xceed.Words.Net of word .Docx file in pdf conversion.
We have a word file (.docx) with custom properties and we updated the custom properties using Xceed.Word.Net namespace in a window service and save the file to database. if we download the file with our web app the updated custom properties are visible.
Xceed zip extra fields
I'm looking for definitions and samples of the two Xceed extra field definitions that are mentioned in the zip file APPNOTE Below are the entries in question 4.6 Third Party Mappings
4.6.1 Third party mappings
CreatePicture in .Net Maui
In .Net Maui I have trying to take the image and put on word (.docx), but the button get frozen and the system broken when the app use . CreatePicture( 150, 150 ); Somebody know what is the solution? I use Visual Studio for mac. // Create a document.
Xceed Words for .NET v2.5 -watermark
I'm using Xceed Words for .NET v2.5 , could I add the watermark into the word file ?
How to change font which generating word documents
Hello, Can someone please help me. In the word document that I am generating programatically, as below. strPmtCaseText = strPmtCaseText + "To , Docker# " + item.DocketrToString() + " , Account " + item.Number.ToString() + ", "; strPmtCaseText = strPmtCaseText
Xceed Docx
Me and my team are developing document template functionality in which we have a document with shapes as placeholders for signatures. We need the option to find x,y positions, height, width and page number on which the shape is located. Once we locate
Xceed Words .NET
Is there any way I can set the margins of first page separately and the rest of the document separately. I am using DocX.MarginLeft(), DocX.MarginRight() but it sets the margins of the complete document. I want different margins for first page. Is there
XCeed Workbooks .NET - TimeSpan when using Culture without point as decimal separator
When working under Culture, which uses something else than a point as a decimal separator, assigning TimeSpan value to a cell results in a broken spreadsheet. The numerical value inside the xml is written with the decimal separator from the current culture,
How to install / access documentation?
I'm using Windows 11. After installing the ultimate suite, I have "documentation" links in my start menu. Those links open a folder which contains two files: helpcontentsetup.msha XceedDocuments.cab The msha file has no associated application. The cab
AppendPicture Issue
I am adding a couple pictures to a word document via docx. When I add the pictures to the document and create it they all come out in the correct orientation. If I do the same thing, but user the ConvertToPdf option the some of the photos are rotated
Tables in exported PDFs from Words4.Net don't have the correct appearence
I can't find a Sub-Category for the Words for .Net, so I put this question in the General Category. We are generating Word documents using "Words for .Net", that have tables in them. But when we export these Word Documents using the PDF Capability of
PropertyGrid theme issues
Hi, I installed the 45 day trial and I am on my first day. I am tweaking the LiveExplorer demo to test various aspects of the tool, but for some strange reason, the Theming/AvalonDock controls example with PropertyGrid does not work with the Metro Theme.
Forum about Javascript
I found that you made a datagrid for Javascript. So far it works great and incredibly fast. I was wondering if you were planning to create a specific section in your forums for this product. https://www.xceed.com/en/our-products/product/xceed-grid-for-javascript