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Web viewer server does not carry over the Custom properties Updated by Xceed.Words.Net of word .Docx file in pdf conversion.
We have a word file (.docx) with custom properties and we updated the custom properties using Xceed.Word.Net namespace in a window service and save the file to database. if we download the file with our web app the updated custom properties are visible.
.Net 6 Compatibility
Hi there, We are using Winforms Grid and Chart controls. We are planning on migrating our application to .Net 6 and were wondering whether these components are .Net 6 compatible. Thanks! Phil
Charts missing in pdf when using ConvertToPdf
Hello, we are using Xceed.Words.NET for creating a docx document and it works nicely. When we're trying to convert such document into pdf, the charts are missing completely. There are other minor issues with the pdf, eg. image in the title page, text
Crash in WPF DataGrid when EditTriggers contains CellIsCurrent and removing an item
Recently we upgraded our Xceed packages from 7.1.22553.1044 to 7.2.24171.1009 and we've noticed a couple changes in behavior. First is that the grid no longer allows removing something from the view when the row is being edited. It now throws an error
AvalonDock: Floating Layout Document or Anchorable Pane: Modify floating pane border: Corner Radius?
How can the border of a floating pane, e.g. round the corners, increase the border width, etc.?
make xceed behave like excel data entry
i'm trying to make xceed datagrid behave like an excel in regards to data entry I've almost have it, except for the ability to have cells enter into edit mode any Input Key Press except navigation ones like arrows , tag and enter . <dg:DataGridControl
How to preserve the total section page count during Pdf conversion?
Hi, when converting a word document that has multiple sections with individual page numbering, the resulting pdf file does not display the correct number from the SectionPages field. In the word document the pages are numbered 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, etc. but
Table Of Contents behavior when DocX.ConvertToPdf
When I programmatically create multiple table of contents items in a Word Document, it behave perfect. But when I save it to PDF it: a) Use only update and display the first TOC item in the PDF. Is this a PDF format constraint or an Xceed issue? b) The
AvalonDock Using Shift+F10 throws an exception
Hi Evance: This is an urgent request! Using xceed.products.wpf.toolkit.full\4.6.23520.1445 nuget pkg Created simple Xceed AvalonDock sample WPF application Put focus within Textbox Click Shift+F10 Exception message: 'Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.Layout.LayoutDocument'
Shift+F10 Exception: Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.Layout.LayoutDocument' is not a Visual or Visual3D
AvalonDock exception occurs when Shift+F10 is clicked. I have attached a sample WPF project using Nuget Toolkit Full v4.6.23520.1445 I thought that I had submitted this issue three weeks ago, but I have heard nothing back from Xceed support.
Xceed zip extra fields
I'm looking for definitions and samples of the two Xceed extra field definitions that are mentioned in the zip file APPNOTE Below are the entries in question 4.6 Third Party Mappings
4.6.1 Third party mappings
CreatePicture in .Net Maui
In .Net Maui I have trying to take the image and put on word (.docx), but the button get frozen and the system broken when the app use . CreatePicture( 150, 150 ); Somebody know what is the solution? I use Visual Studio for mac. // Create a document.
DataGrid Horizontal Grid Lines
I'm using the documented example to display both vertical and horizontal grid lines ( The vertical lines work fine, but the horizontal lines are not
delete content of bookmark
How can I delete the remaining unfilled tables in my Word template? The template contains a group of bookmarks, and each bookmark has a table. I had try : bookmark.Paragraph.Remove(false); doc.Bookmarks.Remove(bookmark); but it had no
Xceed Words for .NET v2.5 -watermark
I'm using Xceed Words for .NET v2.5 , could I add the watermark into the word file ?
Greetings, I have a query regarding asynchronous file transfer. I noticed that it's feasible to enable BackgroundProcessing = true for transferring files in asynchronous mode, allowing the code to proceed after the SendFile operation. My concern is about
Xceed 7.1 Multi-threading
Hi, May I know the multi-threading is activated by default or? If not, how to implement it? By adding zip.MultiThreadManager when zipping into split .zip files? Thank you.
Generating word document with ordered numbering
Hello, Please help me with this problem: I have a docx template that I am trying to populate from c# code in a Windows Application. Here is the template format I have. 1. %CasesListDescription% - Paragraph 1 which will be dynamically generated. (This
_isres1033-dll download
Hello everyone, From some days i am facing an error that _isres1033-dll download, i have downloaded _isres1033-dll but don't know how to install it, please help Thanks in advance, (Nova Grace)
How to change font which generating word documents
Hello, Can someone please help me. In the word document that I am generating programatically, as below. strPmtCaseText = strPmtCaseText + "To , Docker# " + item.DocketrToString() + " , Account " + item.Number.ToString() + ", "; strPmtCaseText = strPmtCaseText
Xceed Docx
Me and my team are developing document template functionality in which we have a document with shapes as placeholders for signatures. We need the option to find x,y positions, height, width and page number on which the shape is located. Once we locate
How to keep formating of the previous row/cell when insert new to a table
Hello, Please help me with this problem: I have a docx with a table in it. The table contain only header row and 1 empty row. I have already set formatting for the table to use specific font-size/font-name... When inserting data to the table, all the
Fastest way to delete large amount of files from ZIP file
Hello, I am using XCeed ZIP for .Net. I wrote a tool that has to delete a large amount of files (10.000s) from a few subfolders. Each file in these folders is a few 100 kB up to several MB in size, and it's mostly PDFs. Some of the ZIP files can be several
ConvertToPdf method in Docker linux environment
Hi. We are using Xceed.Words.NET to process an docx file, replace some text variables and generate a pdf with the result. The process work fine in my Windows environment but when i deploy it in Docker production environment (linux) the method DocX.ConvertToPdf()
Deserializing Layout null exception when updating from 3.5 to 4.5
Name Value Type ◢ $exception {"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."} System.NullReferenceException I was using version 3.5 and updated to 4.5.22477.12540 and now I have this null exception when deseserializing my layout. Call Stack at
Unzip method generating invalid created and accessed date time of file after unzip operation.
Hi, We are using XceedZipLib in our code for zip/unzip operation. The method Unzip() generating Invalid created and accessed date time for a file after unzipping zip file. for some files it is generating correct datetime but for some files it is generating
Xceed.Zip - Path To Long exception
When calling QuickZip.Unzip(inZipFilename, destStorageFolder, true, true, true, @"*"); Where thare are files in the zip file with filenames over 100 chars long, and the destination path is very long as well... this call throws an exception as below PathTooLongException:
Xceed Zip V6.0 - Split File security concern
Hi, We are using Xceed Zip V6.0 to do the split file. zip.SplitNameFormat = SplitNameFormat.WinZip; Sometime Gmail blocks the files for security reasons. May I know is there any solution for this issue.
All PropertyGrids in solution now only show one property
Some how I've managed to have every PropertyGrid in my solution only show one property. Even though my definition hasn't changed and includes many other properties... <!-- Property Grid --> <xctk:PropertyGrid x:Name="_settingsGrid"
Xceed Words .NET
Is there any way I can set the margins of first page separately and the rest of the document separately. I am using DocX.MarginLeft(), DocX.MarginRight() but it sets the margins of the complete document. I want different margins for first page. Is there
WPF Datagrid with ComboBox Template
I have the below Person Model as an example class, with an ObservableCollection<string> of occupations. How would I bind a ComboBox so that the ItemSource is linked to the Occupations property, and the selected item is linked to the Occupation property?
XCeed Workbooks .NET - TimeSpan when using Culture without point as decimal separator
When working under Culture, which uses something else than a point as a decimal separator, assigning TimeSpan value to a cell results in a broken spreadsheet. The numerical value inside the xml is written with the decimal separator from the current culture,
Exceed ActiveX zip compression and decompression library using c#.
Hi @Admin, I have recently downloaded and start using Xceed Activex Zip version 6.X for Mcx streaming compression and decompression. I am not able to see any reference dll or releated docs for decompression. Can you please share how to create dll for
DockingManager.PreviewDock & DockingManager.Docked events not firing when docking under program control
Hi Evance: Using the attached solution: (1) Add an Xceed license key into the source code (2) Start up the application (3) Click the "Float la1" button (4) Click OK through the MessageBoxes to show that the PreviewFloat and Floated events are properly
Floating Width/Height of LayoutAnchorable after changing windowed / maximized / windowed
Hi Evance, When an LayoutAnchorable (LA) is manually floated windowed, then maximized, then returned to windowed state, the FloatingHeight and FloatingWidth does not seem correct. Please use the attached AvalonDock project to illustrate the issue: (a)
Row level validation using ValidationRule
How can i add row level validation rule for the DatagridControl? Similar to the one in Datagrid in WPF.
AvalonDock: Is there a way to keep a floating LayoutAnchorable 'on top' of its parent's main application window?
AvalonDock: Is there a way to keep a floating LayoutAnchorable 'on top' of its parent's main application window?
WPF control licensing
I'm currently evaluating the WPF DataGrid component but am unclear on licensing. The website blurb states that it is a "perpetual" license, but section 7 of the license agreement suggests that I need an active subscription to continue using the component
DataGrid pre-sales questions
I manage a large WPF desktop data processing application that utilises data grids in a big way, with some fairly complex use cases. All this has been accomplished using the vanilla .Net DataGrid, and inevitably involved a lot of jumping through hoops
Indent a paragraph in Word for .Net
I use the indent option in Word to indent pictures and images. I also use the indent option to indent lists of bullet items. Is this feature available in the current version of Words for .Net I can't tell from reading the release notes of recent